Friday, April 10, 2009

3 Months and 100 Days

Wow time really does fly by. A few weeks ago we passed over the 3 month mark and now we've hit 100 days as husband and wife. I know it's just a drop in the bucket compared to many other married couples out there and to the time we have ahead of us but it's still fun to sit back at look at the beginnings of our marriage and how we are progressing as spouses. Sometimes I look at Nate in awe and go "you're my husband," or "holy crap we're MARRIED!" It's all in a good way though.
As newlyweds we get the usual question of "how's married life? is it everything you thought it would be?" And I would have to reply with a resounding YES!
~We've become accustomed to sharing a bed and really like it.
~We haven't gotten into any fights over toilet seats, clothes, or dishes (I know eventually we'll have a fight though I don't know what it will be about, probably something silly like a word during Scrabble).
~We already complete each others' sentances and figure by the time we're old we'll have mastered the art of telepathy and will no longer need to talk. However, we are aware that just because there's a 90% chance we are thinking the same thing we can't assume we're thinking the same thing because inevitably making that assumption will get one of us in trouble.
~We love spending time together and have yet to get tired of each other. We can spend all weekend together and still be bummed to go our seperate ways Monday morning for 8 hours. I wonder how we survived all the times while dating when we'd go our seperate ways at the end of the evening for days and even weeks on end.
~I've become an aunt twice in addition to inheriting 8 other nieces and nephews when we got married. That's an adjustment in itself since I'm the oldest in my family and haven't had a lot of kiddos around for a long time.
~Upon the birth of my new nephews we have been, as expected, getting the questions of "When are you guys going to have one?" "Are you getting the baby fever/flutters/on-the-brain/etc?" "You guys are next." And whenever I get sick, even if it's just a cough, someone suggests it's because I'm pregnant. Nope, sorry to bust the bubble but we're not there yet. If anything going to the hospital to visit my sisters-in-law after delivery makes me realize that I'm not quite ready for child-birth and motherhood just yet. Having new babies around will be good to help me get more comfortable with the whole baby thing but for now this sugar mamma has to continue to bring home the bacon and fry it up.
~We're still trying to find our way in our new ward. Everyone is very nice, but it's different being the new kid on the block, especially since I can be a little shy around new people. I know it's just a matter of time before we get used to it and eventually find some new "married friends." We both try hard to not loose all of our single friends but it is funny how the dynamic changes a bit.
Overall the transition's gone really smoothe and we're having a lot of fun getting to know each other as husband and wife. I'm not under any kind of impression that we're "perfect" but it's difficult to think of many ways in which it could get better. I guess only time will tell. As one of Nate's uncle's wrote in our guest book, "It's only an enternity."


Chad~Nicole said...

I'm so happy for you Jen.