Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tales from Residency: I am Woman Hear Me Roar

The intern year of residency is a trying time defined by sleep deprivation and feelings of inadequacy as they encounter new situations whilst becoming comfortable with the new level of responsibility that rests on their shoulders. They go to work each day not knowing what the shift will bring. However, one thing is for sure...they will come away with some great stories.

Nate's first stop on the intern road was obstetrics at Maricopa County Hospital. He's had to pick up a number of spanish words and phrases that they don't teach you in High School but he's on his way to fulfilling his quota of delivered babies. After one delivery they asked the father if he would like to cut the cord but apparently he wasn't quite comfortable with the idea and respectfully declined. The attending then turned to the mother and asked if she would like to instead. She emphatically responded, "HECK YES," took the scissors, bent forward and cut her own cord. Now that's the strength of a woman; taking matters into her own hands when her husband was too squeamish to do so.

I guess I still have some work to do since I still look to my husband to kill any bugs in the house.


Chad~Nicole said...

I think you should start a blog for all of the stories you're gonna hear. I bet there will be some good ones.

Tiffany Matthews said...

That guy sounds like Blaine. He hasn't cut the cord on any of our kids. That is crazy that she cut her own cord though. Not really may thing. I agree with your friend you should start a story blog.

Birches said...

Aaron hasn't cut any cords yet either. He says, "They're the professional. I'll let them do it"

Gardners said...

I think you'll surprise yourself when it comes to motherhood how brave you'll end up being. Some of those diapers are truly toxic and it takes a brave soul to conquer those...

CDR said...

That is so exciting! Bugs are no fun! I wasted a whole bottle of pledge one time killing a black widow.