Monday, October 6, 2008


Last time Nate was in town we were up for a physical challenge and decided to try our hand at Camelback Mountain. Nate's hiked Camelback a number of times and ever since we started dating we've talked about going hiking when it cooled down enough. Apparently we were tired of waiting because that Saturday was actually forecasted to be about 100 degrees, but we got up early and went anyways.

I've always liked hiking but this was my first time doing Camelback and I have to admit it had been at least a year (possibly more) since I'd done a decent hike. I've heard that the steep climbs of Camelback can make the trip more challenging than you'd expect so I knew that I'd need to get some kind of energy in me before we started. I was running a little behind that morning and had the brilliant idea of drinking a bunch of Carnation Instant Breakfast as Nate was on his way to pick me up, afterall it has carbs and some protein, perfect idea right? Wrong. Let's just say a stomach full of milk and a hike on a warm day (it was still before noon so it wasn't hot yet) are a bad mix. Needless to say it didn't take too long before I was not feeling well. I was really torn about listening to my gut and turning around or pushing through it and finishing the hike. I knew Nate wanted to finish the hike and I really didn't want to wuss out. Let's just say I love my fiance! Seeing my struggle, both emotionally with wanting to continue on and physically for not feeling like I could, he made the decision to turn around. I love him for knowing when to push me farther and when to help me at the times when I'm too stubborn for my own good. I love him for put my physical well being ahead of his personal desires. I love him for not thinking I'm a wimp.

So here's to my first trip on Camelback. I didn't make it as far as I wanted but never fear, now that I've got a reliable hiking buddy I'll be back and next time it's personal.


Tiffany Matthews said...

Jenny you are a better person than I am I would have said have fun and see ya when you come down to the bottom of the hill.
Ya I knew that comment was from Nate don't worry. Just wait Nate your day is soon coming. :)

Gardners said...

Hey, Camelback's tough, don't let anyone tell you different! I'm proud that you did your best despite the churning stomach!