Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Say hello to my little friend!

His name is...

I spent numerous days and hours researching and looking for this little guy but he's finally here. Our relationship is fairly new and he is kind of complicated to figure out but we're working on it. Buttons, menus, and options, Oh MY!

I think Rebel and I will have a lot of fun though. He's sleek and sly, and probably sees things better than I do with his 12 megapixels. For sure he sees better than his predecessor, tiny 5 megapixel Coolpix.

We've known each other about 2 weeks and I'm already becoming attached and protective. I'll share him with others but give the motherly look of "drop him and you're dead."

We wish you could all come with us on our numerous adventures, but you may just have to let Rebel tell you about it when we return.


Tim said...

Cannon SLR - very wise decision. Someday I hope to meet my own...

Becca said...


Gardners said...

I can't wait to see what stories he brings back from Philly!!