Tuesday, December 1, 2009

They grow up so fast


December is here and 2009 quickly draws to a close bringing with it the graduation of our senior nursery class to primary. In order to help ease the transition, over the past few weeks we've transported our little gaggle down the hall for Sharing Time to sing and listen to the lesson with the rest of Junior Primary. Some days go better than others. One day upon catching a glimpse at freedom they organized a mass jail break and made it to the opposite side of the building before Nate caught up with them. Each of them adjust to the new experience in their own individual way. For some the piano is "too loud." Others who are normally vibrant and out going become shy, reserved, and just want to go back to their class. Many have sibilings or parents in other primary classes which provides a new source of distraction. As a primary teacher/leader you must get used to only having 10% of the group's attention at all times.

I have enjoyed getting to know this group of kids and watch their personalities develop. We will miss many of them, others...well...we're willing to share their vivacious spirit with other primary leaders. This last week we combined the junior and senior nursery into one class since many were gone for the Thanksgiving holiday and we noticed a striking disparity between the two age groups. While the younger ones quietly played in the corner together taking turns with toys, the older ones were a melee of trucks and cars zooming the length of the room. How will we deal with the quiet? Though I doubt it will last long as the cycle will inevitably continue. They will grow, feel more comfortable around us and find their voice. They will experience the struggles of potty training. They will go from happenstance playmates to friends; then we will send them off from the world of puzzles, snacks, toys and bubbles to the world of Sharing Time and loud pianos to find their way as Sunbeams.


Chad~Nicole said...

Did you just refer to them as your little gaggle? That's hilarious. Bless you, nursery teachers.

Jenny said...

Yes I did. Believe me when you're trying to guide a group of 3 year olds down the hall it's like Mother and Father goose trying to corral their gosslings.